8,000 calories a day? According to this infographic–yeah–some athletes are eating that much! The typical “2,000” calorie diet is not for many people. For inactive people, that might be TOO MANY calories. For a person who plays sports almost daily, it’s probably too few. I’ve wondered for a long time how many calories we burn […]
5 Simple Tips To Motivate You In the Gym
This is a guest post from Jonathan Marshall. If interested in submitting a guest post please read our guest posting policy and then contact us. Inspiration, motivation, and just finding the doggone plain drive to get to the gym and workout can seem impossible sometimes. “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t want to be […]
How to Recover from a Shoulder Injury
Shoulder injuries are way more common than you’d expect. 6 months ago I had minor shoulder surgery for bursitis and bone spurs. The San Diego Chargers team doctor knew a thing or two so I consulted him. He had tried a cortisone shot and 10 sessions of physical therapy with no improvements. He recommended surgery […]
Know Your Nuts – Male Health Awareness Month [Infographic]
We’re a bit late to the Male Health Awareness Month of June, but someone from Field Fisher Waterhouse asked if we’d still consider posting this since we have such a large audience of men. The title had me laughing, but the subject matter is for real. Read it for yourself, and stay healthy! Source
Carbs Are Killing You [Infographic]
Why are Americans fat? People are drawn to “Low-Fat” products, snacks, meals, and even milk. But is it really fat that makes America thick around the waist? You may be surprised to know that carbs are killing you–the wrong kind of carbs are continuing to make people obese and risk their health. Fat usually gets […]
In Defense of Bacon: What’s Really Making You Fat [Infographic]
Are you a manly eater who craves bacon and eggs over a bagel and cream cheese? Be ashamed no more. In defense of bacon and all of it’s glory, your soul will be freed to eat like a man. A Tale of Two Meals Coming to you via Massive Health’s Blog-which has some other seriously […]
Tabata Intervals: 4 Minutes of Unparalled Cardio
Athletes work tirelessly to have the slightest edge. They ceaselessly pursue sharpening their skills, speeding their minds, and being in peak physical condition. Once an athlete reaches peak physical form, it can be extremely difficult to gain the upper-hand when it comes to speed, endurance or strength. But there is a tool to continually push […]
Not All Carbs Are Created Equal
It’s true that carbohydrates are fuel. Without them it’s difficult to fire up your metabolism and charge through your day. But not all carbs are as useful as others. There’s a lot of talk about complex carbs vs. simple carbs. That’s not useless talk, but what’s even more important is understanding where your carb scores […]