Having a dog is wonderful. It provides unconditional love to you and for the family every day of the week. But, there’s also a lot of responsibility that goes along with having a pet. As your pet ages, it counts on you solely to provide care. Regular vet visits Most pet owners are very good […]
5 Tips for Being a Great Father
They say that, If you love your kids, being a great dad is easy. Frankly, that’s a bit oversimplified. Loving your kids and being a great dad don’t always go hand-in-hand. You need to work at it, put in some effort and thought, and do the right things. Below are 5 Tips that will help. […]
Taking The Leap to Becoming a Stay-At-Home Dad
Across the nation, more men are becoming SAHD – Stay-At-Home-Dads. In 2012, the New York Times reported that roughly 176,000 men have given up the rat race to stay home and take care of the kids, while their spouses work. When you include men who have opted to split working part time or freelancing from […]
Show Your Strength
I got married over a year ago, but the lessons I’ve learned in this short time feel like a lifetime’s worth. From learning to be selfless to learning how to lead, it’s true that marriage is part of the life-changing process in our lives. And I think I’ve learned what it really means to “show […]
A Unique Fathers Day Gift
There’s one in every life. There’s one in every mind. There’s one in every heart. We call them Fathers. This Sunday is Fathers Day. Every year nationwide, on the 3rd Sunday of June we gather to celebrate our fathers and purchase a Fathers Day gift. You’ll see articles and advertisements of cool gadgets, accessories, power […]