There are many factors that affect your personal finances, and often, many of these things lie beyond your control. You can’t always escape a layoff or hide from a failing economy. Tragedy and sickness are possibilities, and life events are unavoidable. These challenging circumstances are possible but so is the chance of your personal finances […]
Birth Announcement Etiquette 101
Last week, you watched in awe as the love of your life delivered the most perfect baby into the world. Now, you want to share this exciting news with family and friends. Since your wife is still recovering from the delivery, you assured her that you would be more than happy to take the lead […]
10 Big Brands That Have Embraced Bitcoin
When it comes to small business, Bitcoin is finally becoming legitimate. A recent HSB survey revealed that more than a third of small businesses in the United States accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. With so many SMBs accepting Bitcoin, it’s safe to say that you can purchase almost anything with it. But one has to wonder: […]
Ideas to Compare Insurance Companies for Pet
Nowadays, pet insurance is becoming inevitable. Your pets may become ill and require medical treatment. In this situation, insurance for pets may offset the cost of veterinarian bills and other treatments. Remember, vet bills are becoming expensive with the time. Pet insurance policies may cover different health conditions. The insurance may vary in the cover, […]
How COVID-19 is Affecting the Dow Jones Industrial Average
COVID-19 has not only meant the end of the bull market for stocks, but it may have an impact on the stock market for years to come. You may want to take advantage of this buying opportunity as stocks are much cheaper than they have been in several years right now. Nonetheless, you should enter […]
4 Key Retirement Planning Steps
Planning for your retirement is not something that you can do in a few hours one afternoon and then forget about it. This is a long-term process that will likely change course many times over the years. You will want to be comfortable during your retirement. It is supposed to be a fun and carefree […]
How to Become a Gaming Blogger and Streamer
Blogging has become a very saturated market, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t space for you to become a success – especially if you are a gamer. The gaming industry is thriving, and to be a part of it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. How do you start a gaming blog and become […]
How to Have a Discussion About Money With Your Family
Talking about money is awkward for many people. One of the main reasons is that we are taught to deal with money matters in private. We aren’t even comfortable talking about money within the family. But, it is very important for your immediate family to know where you stand financially, especially if you are the […]
Important Things to Check in Your Budget Before Becoming a Homeowner
If you walk by a cute little home in a picture-perfect neighborhood, it is hard not to convince yourself that this is exactly what you need. It may be exactly what you need, but before you run in and make a bid on the next house you walk by, there are some things you need […]
Life Insurance for Single Dads
In most cases, spouses take out life insurance to support their surviving partner’s lifestyle after they have departed. As such, a lot of single fathers don’t understand the essence of a life insurance policy, as they have no spouse to support. The truth is, even single dads need life insurance, just like other married dads. […]