Top 5 Quick-Fix Men’s Fashion Tips

Got a hot date this weekend? Got any kind of date this weekend? If you do, and you’re a guy, and you’re trying to figure out what to wear so that you don’t come off like a schlub, the 5 quick-fix fashion tips below should do you just fine. Enjoy.

Tip #1: Make sure everything fits well.

One of the easiest, fastest ways that you can improve your style is simply to make sure that everything fits really well. Unfortunately, most men wear clothing that’s much too large for them, looks baggy and makes them look slovenly. What you want is for everything to hug your body just tight enough, without being too tight.

Tip #2: Shop with a friend, preferably a woman.

Unless you’re really on top of fashion, and have a keen eye for what looks good on you, you really shouldn’t shop for clothing alone. The least you can do is bring along a friend who will give you their honest opinion and, if that friend happens to be a woman, even better.

Tip #3:  Don’t go crazy with color.

If you’re wanting a classic look you should never wear more than three colors at the same time. Also, unless you actually play in a rock band, don’t dress like a rock star.  Too much flash, and too much in the way of jewelry, will just end up making you look a bit silly. (Trust us, if they weren’t in a band, most rockers would look like casualties of the fashion wars.)

Tip #4: Shoes are more important than you think.

Most men get so caught up with looking clean and sharp as far as their pants, shirts and jackets go, that they completely overlook shoes. The fact is however that most women notice shoes first, so make sure that you own an excellent, top-drawer pair of shoes and keep them looking pristine at all times.

Tip #5: Ditch the T shirts with logos on them. Unless Starbucks, or any other brand for that matter, is paying you money to wear their logo on your shirt, don’t. Basically any type of shirt, including a classic V-neck T-shirt, would be better than being a walking billboard.

Bonus Tip: Dare to make mistakes.

Let’s face it, there’s style and then there’s your style. The only way you’ll find out what your particular style is, and what looks best on you, is to experiment from time to time. You might not want to do it on your first date with that lovely young thing from my accounting of course, but experimenting with your style as often as you can will (eventually) help you to figure out just what your own personal style happens to be. That will make putting together your wardrobe much easier in the future.

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