Ways to Stop with Impulse Purchases

Now that we’re into the new year and have probably already given up on any aggressive fitness goal for yourself, let’s focus on something you can control that will help your overall finances in the long run, which is curbing impulse spending.  While there are certainly purchases that are necessary to make in any given […]

Money Wastes That Can Be Easy to Avoid

As we start a new year, usually the focus now is on losing weight, as you may not be where you thought you’d be at this point.  While resolutions come and go pretty quickly, especially when the gym visits become less frequent and you’re paying for a membership that you don’t use, your finances should […]

Look to Start the New Year with Improved Credit

Whether you are looking to purchase a home or refinance a current mortgage, even take out a personal loan, or apply for a credit card with an improved rewards system over your current card, your credit score will not only decide if you are approved or not, but will be the deciding factor in the […]

Money Mistakes to Watch Out For

We may have our own specific talents, like being handy, athletic, or even funny, but managing money is in a class all by itself, and let’s face it, most of us are not good at managing money.  After all, between paying bills, saving, not to mention staying out of debt, is quite a bit of […]

Why It’s Better to Favor Credit Over Cash

When it comes to spending money, you may think it doesn’t matter where it comes from, it’s leaving your account one way or another, but while that part may be true, using credit can actually make more financial sense than using cash.  Now granted, if you are careless with using a credit card and the […]

Smart Ways to Save on Holiday Spending

Whether you like it or not, the cold weather has made its mark, making it seem like there wasn’t even a fall, going from summer, straight to winter.  With the change in temperature comes another rude awakening; it’s time for Christmas shopping.  While there are the smart ones out there that put money aside all […]

Ways You Can Cut Expenses Starting Now

While now is the time to take a look around your doors, windows, and outlets that share a wall with the outside to make sure you’re probably sealed to withstand the cold air coming in and causing your heat to kick on more than often, there are other ways you can reduce expenses throughout the […]

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Using a Credit Card

Credit card debt is certainly something that can scare you off, especially if you had bouts with it in the past.  It can cause hardship and stress trying to figure out not only how you got into that mess, but how you are going to pay it back.  It certainly does take patience and discipline […]

4 Ways to Get Financially Ahead

As quickly as your paycheck comes into your account on payday, it seems just as fast leaving, then waiting until the next check in a couple weeks to have a positive balance again.  Living paycheck to paycheck is common, however not ideal, especially if you think about how scary it would be if you were […]

How You Can Boost Your Credit Score

First impressions are lasting, and when it comes to the financial world, most notedly filling out a credit application, your score is the impression you make on the lender, and is not only what decides the rate and terms, but is the major deciding factor in your approval or denial. The higher the credit score, […]