Ways to Save on Monthly Expenses

It’s no wonder most live paycheck to paycheck by the time you factor in monthly bills, food, gas, a little spending money, not to mention, hopefully saving for retirement. Sure, the amount you spend each month will quickly outweigh the money that’s coming in … [Read More...]

Love Life

Why – Not To Who – Do You Want To Get Married?

My homie and co-owner here at Fearless Men, John, implored me to read a book for non-married types he’d recently read. It’s called The Sacred Search. I haven’t read all of it, but that’s never stopped me from sharing still percolating thoughts. I’ll rip the … [Read More...]

Better Man

What is Manliness?

“You are not a man!” she shouted at me, and these words echoed through my ears. They stung because I liked her and her words carried a heavier impact. I was only 18 at the time; barely beginning to enter manhood. I had no clue how to define manliness, and … [Read More...]

Substance Abuse, the Armed Forces, and Bouncing Back [Infographic]

  … [Read More]

How to Conquer Overworking

Do you know people that claim they can’t find the time for things? The ironic thing about this saying is that it is impossible to ‘find’ more time. You have to make time for things. For the most part, when I hear this saying, it comes from those that overwork. … [Read More]

Athletic Diets – The Numbers [Infographic]

8,000 calories a day? According to this infographic--yeah--some athletes are eating that much! The typical "2,000" calorie diet is not for many people. For inactive people, that might be TOO MANY calories. For a person who plays sports almost daily, it's … [Read More]

There Are No Crystal-Ball Certainties When It Comes To Paying Taxes

Hey, what's the saying about death and taxes being the only certainties in life? Maybe, but there ought to be another addition to the list. We're talking tax efficient investing and yes, it doesn't have quite the same ring to it as Benjamin Franklin's … [Read More]

Martin Luther King Jr.| “I Have A Dream”

Martin Luther King Jr was a Fearless Man. Only 3 men in our history have Federal Holidays: Christopher Columbus, President George Washington and Martin Luther King Jr. That right there tells you a whole lot about this man. He was named after Martin Luther, … [Read More]

Kids These Days: A Look At The Modern Pop Star

This is a guest post. If interested in submitting a men’s lifestyle blog guest post please read our guest posting policy and then contact us. All publicity is good publicity: a mantra for a seemingly endless parade of good-girl-going-on-diva pop stars. Take … [Read More]