Best Fearless Men Quotes | Volume VIII

More of our favorite Fearless Men Quotes to challenge your thinking and push you further.

The first quote I found on Facebook, and entered it into a search engine and could find no author. The second quote I experienced the same thing. But I heard it in a bonus documentary to the film Inception called Dreams: Cinema of the Subconscious. I will say that I just found the documentary pretty quickly by searching for it right now (if you happen to want to watch it). It was on some website that looked illegal that I dare not link to here! Otherwise, just buy the Blu-Ray Inception DVD.


Humility is grown in the desert.



In a dream a man can dream of nothing more than what he is himself.



After a certain age every man is responsible for his face.

-Albert Camus

men quotes

I know this might seem like an odd quote to include. Of course, men are responsible for the Movember wild beards they must learn to tame. But we also inherit the face we invest into. 10 years, 20 years, 50 years from now how we treat our face and our stomachs-that includes stress levels-will pay good or bad dividends when you look upon yourself in the mirror. Take care of yourselves men!

Make sure to enter our Movember Beard and Mustache Competition!


  1. I like the dreams quote. It’s pretty crazy how dreams relate so much to our real lives. I’d like to learn more about dreams and what different ones represent. As for the quote about taking care of my face, I can’t say it’s something I really think about. I figure once I get old it won’t be my looks getting me women lol.

    • Todd Mayfield says

      Hey man if you’re still in the dating scene don’t wait to think about taking care of your face!

      I truly believe that dreams aren’t only a reflection of our real lives, but they are “real” life. Dreams don’t exist outside of the dreamers experience. But b/c the dreamer experiences them, they are as real as waking moments.

      I subscribe to the theory that dreams are the safe place for us to practice dangerous circumstances and emotionally challenging situations. Whether it’s running away from a panther or resolving a tough emotional situation at work.

      • Todd,

        I really like this line of thinking about dreams.

        I sometimes wonder if we are actually awake when we are sleeping, and sleeping when we are awake.

        My experience has been that dreams can also give us insightful guidance as we pass along life’s path.

        • Todd Mayfield says

          I haven’t found much direct insight from my dreams, but it has brought to me emotional resolution. Once I’ve figured why and how I feel and behave a certain way, it certainly helps me figure out when/where/why I should make certain decisions.

  2. I’d like to see you dudes talk about that first quote. I’m not afraid to admit that I don’t quite get it. Got smart insight on that one?

    • Todd Mayfield says

      Hmmm that could be a good article idea! thanks for the thought. We really do did to hit on more principles of mahood.

      To be short, humility is grown in a dry, lonely place. It’s rarely grown in abundance in a season of “winning.”

    • Todd Mayfield says

      Let me expound that it’s “often” grown in a lonely, dry place.

  3. Love the quotes. I totally think the last one belongs.

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