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Today, Fearless Men hit the 1 year milestone!

Today, Fearless Men hit the 1 year milestone!

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Most Wanted

Looking back I can’t believe it’s been one year since Todd and I started this adventure. Neither of us knew anything about blogging. Neither of us were writers. It did help that we’re at least readers. ha! We are both passionate about learning every day and then sharing those lessons with others. We enjoy challenging each other to become better men.

We started knowing nothing but we learned a bit….and then we acquired All Things Finance and rebooted it last Month.

We couldn’t have done it without you all!

If you’re reading this article then most likely you’re a part of our Fearless Men readership.

Big thanks to Jon @ Free Money Wisdom and Jeremy @ Modest Money

Jon is our good friend here in San Diego and is the one who first suggested starting a blog. From there we chose a niche and name.

Jeremy we’ve never met in person but as many of you already know is willing and ready to help anyone.

John @ Frugal Rules we also met through Al Gore’s internet around November. His results (PR4 in 3 months) and strategy (Guest posting everywhere) really invigorated Todd and I to start focusing on other blogging strategies in addition to writing. We’ve received solid advice from him.

Joe @ The Free Financial Advisor included us in his podcast “2 Guys & Your Money” Special Skyfall Release Episode: What if James Bond Needed Financial Advice?

Thank you to all who have let us guest post, swapped blog rolls, commented, tweeted…you name it!

Many more of you have also played a key role in our growth and success – Thank you!

By the Numbers:

Pageviews: 213,462 (April, 2013 – 36,990)

Unique PV: 176,355 (April, 2013- 32,926)

Alexa Ranking: 45002

Google PR: 2 (We blame coding errors. Hopefully next PR is kind)

Domain Authority: 41/100

Page Authority: 51/100

Twitter Followers: 2921

Facebook ‘Likes’: 2399

eBook downloads: 323

Thank you all for being a part of Fearless Men and part of this adventure into year two!

Using Technology to Set your Budget by Jon @ Free Money Wisdom

Making Your Blog More Attractive for Blog Advertising by Jeremy @ Modest Money

Flipping Property as an Investment Option and Ways to Minimize the Risks by John @ Frugal Rules

Financial Lifecycle [Infographic] by JW @ Visual Fin{ance}

How to Fix Incorrect Charges on Your Credit or Debit Card by Edward Antrobus

A Career Change Puts You Back at the Bottom by TB @ Blue Collar Workman

Smart Budgeting and Grocery Shopping For 2 by Tony @ We Only Do This Once

How Much Does a Trip To The Emergency Room Cost? by Kim @ Eyes On The Dollar

How To Manage Your Budget Better – 7 Things I’ve Learned by Chris @ Stumble Forward

SmarterBucks® Review – A Rewards Program Geared Toward Student Loans by Grayson @ Debt RoundUp

Gold Investment for Newbies by Marvin @ Brick by Brick Investing

Writing Off Moving Costs During Tax Time by Harry @ Your Personal Finance Pro

5 Popular Craigslist Scams to Watch Out For by Sean @ One Smart Dollar

Should I Pay Off My House Early? – Pros and Cons by Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents

How to Run a Meeting People Want to Attend by Paul Jolicoeur

Fix em Up Rent em Out by Terry Sprouse

The honest to goodness guide to why you should start a blog for a crazily awesome future by Alden Tan

The Best Travel Shaver by Jason Hill

No Time by Mandy @ Money Master Mom

Cutting Boards @ Unique Gifter

Frugality: My New Normal @ Budget and the Beach

We Don’t Have a Plan for Retirement…yet by Justin @ The Frugal Path

Save Money, Save the Planet @ Club Thrifty

How to Save Money on a Funeral While Honoring Your Loved One @ Christian Personal Finance

How “Coupon Crazy” Can You Go Before You’re Considered Too Cheap? @ Rather Be Shopping

My Six Thousand Dollar Boat Ride by Jose @ The Wise Dollar

Todd’s Guest Posts in April

Is Fear Paralyzing You From Looking at Your Finances? @ Personal Finance Pro

Is Fear Suffocating Your Dreams? @ Supercharged Life

Is Fear Paralyzing You From Being Frugal and Getting Out of Debt? @ Edward Antrobus

Is Fear Inducing You To Spend When You Know You Shouldn’t? @ Eyes on the Dollar

Is Financial Fear Paralyzing You From Being Financially Free? @ My Money Design


  1. Hey Guys, I just stumbled on this blog this morning, and am already hooked. I definitely think there is a need for blogs of this caliber in the “Men’s” market, and you guys have a great one started here. Awesome stats for just one year on the job!

  2. Happy 1 year! Your site is doing awesome.

    Thanks for the mention 🙂

  3. Congrats on making it to year two. Can’t wait to see what you do in the next year. Thanks for mentioning my article.

  4. Wow, big congrats guys! I am thankful to have “met” you guys and thanks for your help along the way as well. I am starting to think that you & Todd no longer sleep and are writing machines, Lol! 🙂 Keep up the great work and here’s to an even better year 2! Thanks for the mention as well.

  5. Congrats on the one year gentlemen. That is quite the accomplishment and I am glad you are restarting All Things Finance. Keep up the awesome work and I am sure it will pay off.

  6. Very happy for you guys. You definitely deserve the success you have received.

  7. That’s awesome! Congratulations and keep it up. Thanks for the links.

  8. Thanks for the link! And congratulations–great accomplishments!

  9. Thanks for the mentions and congratulations! I hope I can celebrate a one year mark too! Shooting for six months for now 🙂

  10. With those kinds of stats, there is no way you should still be a 2. If you have those coding errors fixed, I’m predicting a 4 next time.

  11. Wow, congrats on one year! That’s huge in blog time. Also thanks for including me and for guest posting at Eyes on the Dollar.

  12. Congrats on turning one! Love your theme of kicking fear in the face. That’s some impressive stats. Keep it up and have a great year two!

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