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Fearless Men's Most Wanted

Fearless Men’s Most Wanted

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Welcome back  to this months Most Wanted articles from around the web.

Todd guest posted over at Modest Money with an article called Immodest Money. Be sure to check it out!

John @ All Things Finance writes Investing for Beginners | Newbie Mistakes to Watch Out For – Newbie investors are likely to make some mistakes when starting out. Here are five of the most common ones.

David Bar @ Bar Whiz Blog writes Spring Has Sprung: 4 Drinks To Get You In The Mood – With each new season, new food, new songs, new clothes, new drinks. Here are a few top recommendations to make your spring drinking seasonal.

Jay @ The First Million is the Hardest writes How to Invest Without A Lot of Money – Proving that it doesn’t “take money to make money” and shows how to get started investing with as little as $100

MMD @ IRA vs 401k Central writes Can I Borrow Against My 401k Plan? Not If You Can Help It – When people ask themselves Can I Borrow Against My 401k plan, they usually don’t realize how much damage they will cause their retirement savings in the long run. This post will show an example of how much money you would potentially lose.

harry campbell @ Your PF Pro writes 5 Ways to Save Money at Amusement Parks: Sea World San Diego – For some reason, the April showers haven’t quite hit San Diego like they normally do and the weather has been fantastic lately. Warm days and a nice breeze are why I love living in Socal and this past weekend I decided it would be a good time to take my sister(age 5) to Sea World. Even though it wasn’t too crowded, there was still a ton of people there and I couldn’t help but think about how much money everyone was spending.

Mr. MWD @ My Wealth Desire writes 15 Good Habits of Highly Successful People – There are times in our busy lives that we come to wonder what makes successful people so different from others. It was then I realized that good habits drive them into a world of winners and of successful people. There are certain habits of highly successful people that any one of us could form and could turn us to be a successful one.

Jon Haver @ Pay My Student Loans writes Student Loan Paid Off – My Name is Jon, I got my degree in 2008 and left school with $22,500 in student loans. Although I was happy to have graduated with my degree in Mechanical Engineering I knew I would have challanges to pay down my 22k of debt. My student debt wasn’t nearly as much as others but I was concerned that this debt was going to hold me back from doing the things I was wanting to do in my life after school.

Matt Becker @ Mom and Dad Money writes Where Do Investment Returns Come From? – An understanding of where returns really come from is vital to forming a solid investment strategy.

Grayson @ Debt RoundUp writes When I Would Rather Spend Than Save – Every since I started paying off my credit cards 4 years ago, I have leaned on the side of saving my money. I had wasted it away on credit card payments and I wanted to build my net worth. Each and every night, I would ask myself the simple question of “should I spend or should I save?”

CF @ The Outlier Model writes Got ovaries?? Work Less!! – A look at job expectations and why women shouldn’t be treated differently in the work force.

Sean @ One Smart Dollar writes Financial Rules Stay-At-Home Spouses Need to Know – If you are a stay-at-home parent you will want to make sure you are following a few basic rules.

Mrs. PoP @ Planting Our Pennies writes I’m Riding A Bike To Work – Mrs. PoP started riding a bike to work and the PoPs are seeing some big savings on gas, and big gains in happiness as a result!

SB @ One Cent at a Time writes Few Simple Everyday Techniques to Protect yourself from Germs – Germs are the causes for many common diseases like flu and cold. Germs are every where from door knobs to toilets. This article talks about most common places where germs can be found and ways to protect yourself from them.

Adam @ Money Bulldog writes Self Employment ~ Planning for Holidays – Holidays often pose a financial problem for many self-employed people. Find out how you can run a successful business and still enjoy those holidays!

Adam @ Money Rebound writes Don’t Worry about What Others Have or What They Think – Making big financial changes can be tough, especially if you focus on what others have or think. Find out why you should focus on yourself and not others.

Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank writes Do You Trust Your Partner With Money? – A post about trusting your partner with money and to make good financial decisions.

Jason Hull @ Hull Financial Planning writes Are We Taking the Wrong Retirement Risks? – This article examines how we should be using mental accounting to allocate our investments in our retirement portfolio.

Marvin @ Brick By Brick Investing writes Waging War – Stock Direction – Sun Tzu’s Art of War principles on waging war compared to stock market trends in order to capitalize on bullish or bearish trends.

Arnel Ariate @ Money Soldiers writes Seven Easy Ways to Cut Spending Now – These simple steps you can take today will help you lower your expenses right away. Credit in the form of a loan or credit card can be useful but establishing savings within your current budget can go a long way.

Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents writes Why You Should Start a Blog – So Many Positives! – Every single day, many, many blogs are started. And it seems like there are more and more new blogs in the personal finance community.

Jerry @ Repaid.org writes Top Tips to Help You Build an Emergency Fund – Top Tips To Help You Build An Emergency Fund May 10, 2013 9:14 am Budgeting 0 comments Edit Emergency FundBuilding an emergency fund should always be a priority. It should even come before building a college fund for your children. Think of it like this: how much comfort will you take knowing that your child has a college fund if you can’t pay the mortgage after losing your job or being laid off?

Dividend Growth Investor writes Why would I not sell dividend stocks even after a 1000% gain? – In a previous article I wrote on when to sell dividend stocks, many investors were absolutely furious that I would not even think about selling after a stock I own goes up 1000% in value. The reality is that this would depend on the circumstances, but since I am a long-term investor, I expect that at least some of the stocks I purchase today would become tenbaggers over the next 30 years or so.

MMD @ My Money Design writes Ask the Readers – Would You Support the Privatization of Social Security Accounts? – There are lots of pros and cons to the privatization of Social Security accounts. We ask the readers: Would you be in favor of making a change?

Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes A Love Letter and Life Lessons: Money Fool to a Budgeting Money Saver – A love letter taught me a life lesson steering me away from becoming a money fool and into a budgeting money saver. Take responsibility for your actions and remember that good looks don’t last forever.

Lance @ Money Life and More writes The Best 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards Right Now – If you’ve sworn off debt but are trying to dig your way out, 0% balance transfer credit cards can be a great tool. You have to know that you’ve completely sworn off incurring any more debt in order to play the 0% balance transfer game, but if you’re certain then you can save a ton of money by taking advantage of some of the best balance transfer credit card offers.

Paul @ The Frugal Toad writes Frugal Living with Children – Lessons From Mom – With Mother’s Day fast approaching I am reminded of the many lessons my Mom taught me as a child. Be respectful always towards others, if you fall, pick yourself up and try again, and make the most of what you have. I was lucky to grow up in a family with six brothers and sisters, we learned to share and to be resourceful. It is this last lesson that I’d like to share some memories..

Mike @ The Financial Blogger writes How Can I Retire At 35? – Can a man really retire this early?

Robert @ The College Investor writes Marijuana Stocks and Other Ways to Invest in Cannabis – The marijuana legalization movement has exploded in the United States. It started with medicinal marijuana (MMJ). Now things are moving towards full legalization for recreational use and that is opening up a whole new potential industry. Investors should start to take notice of marijuana stocks.

Jacob @ Cash Cow Couple writes How to Become a Financial Advisor – There are a lot of folks asking how to become a financial advisor (or financial planner). Here is how to break into this lucrative and rewarding field.

Glen @ Making Money Online writes Stop Loss in Forex Trading – Learn about how to set a stop loss to limit your exposure when trading currencies on the Forex market.

Edgar @ Degrees and Debt writes How to Leverage Home Equity for Cash Flow and Investments – How to Leverage Home Equity for Cash Flow and Investments

Martin @ Studenomics writes Why Most Financial Experts Have it Wrong With Young People (and what to do) – What does this generation really care about?

Charles Yeaman @ The Tortoise Banker writes Your Home is Not a Good Investment – A quick look at how a profitable home sale may not yield as much as you think! Is a home a good investment? Yes, but is it the best place to put the majority of your resources?

Matt @ Living in Financial Excellence writes Time Management Challenge: Full-Time School & Full-Time Work – A while back I decided to take advantage of some GI Bill benefits that were still available to me. I returned to school to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. The good news is I’ll graduate without needing any loans. The bad news is in order to receive my full GI Bill benefits, I have to attend classes at least half time. That sounded a lot easier before I started classes.

Jon Haver @ Pay My Student Loans writes Jon Haver – My Name is Jon, I got my degree in 2008 and left school with $22,500 in student loans. Although I was happy to have graduated with my degree in Mechanical Engineering I knew I would have challanges to pay down my 22k of debt.

Gary @ Gajizmo.com writes How To Become A Freelance Writer – Freelance writing is quickly becoming one of the best ways to make money online, without the headaches and costs of maintaining a blog or website. Check out our thorough guide on how to become a freelance writer.

vi @ writes Five Tips on How To Improve Your Credit Score – Credit Score is an important parameter which can help save a lot of money while buying a property or buying a car. It is warranted that you have a good score and this post some tips to improve your credit score.

Alexis @ FITnancials writes Starting Out As A Personal Trainer – My New Career – Starting my new job as a personal trainer was pretty nerve-wracking at first. Everyone was so experienced and had so much more knowledge than I did.


  1. Thanks for the mention!

  2. Thank you much for running this sweet carnival and I am glad to be a part of it!

  3. Thanks for including me in this collection!

  4. Great roundup! Thanks for the reads. And love the new design!!

  5. Thanks for hosting this week and including my article!

  6. Thanks for the shout out! Lots of great stuff here.

  7. Thanks a lot for including me this week.

  8. Cheers mate for including CBB in your carnival! Have a good one!

  9. Thanks for the mention!

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