Best Fearless Men Quotes | Volume XVIII

Every week we compile wise quotes for men who want to grow.  This week I feel like we struck gold in finding some profound ones to challenge you and push you further. Take a look and give them some thought.

 To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail.
—Abraham Maslow
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.
—Marcel Proust
Try a thing you haven’t done three times. Once, to get over the fear of doing it. Twice, to learn how to do it. And a third time, to figure out whether you like it or not.
—Virgil Garnett Thomson
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
—Will Rogers

Do you have any fearless men quotes to add?


  1. I really like this series you have going on here. My favorite quote here is the Will Rogers one, some people think being in the right place is enough but you have to perform

  2. That third one is really good. I hadn’t thought about it

    • Yeah I wouldn’t take it as a principle, but it does make me think that some things I’ve hated b/c I just sucked at them. But if I did it three times maybe I’d feel different about it.

  3. I like the third and fourth quote. It really makes you think about it. I wanna try sky-diving. Hopefully, I can live to experience the second try. And about the fourth quote, some people get stuck at what they do and I don’t want that happening to me.

  4. Proust makes a fascinating point about perspective. Too often, I find, we get sidetracked by the routine of our days.

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