Categories: Fearless

Best Hangover Cures

After the holidays are now over and many nights were spent drinking with friends that are back in town, with family over Christmas, and celebrating New Year’s Eve, I needed to dust off the old hangover cures again.  Although I still think I can keep up with the best of them, as I am starting to get older, the body definitely does not recover as quickly as it did before, so I will take all of the extra boosts I can get to try and feel normal again.  With the right food, medicine, or even the “hair of the dog”, you will resemble yourself again in no time.

Hangover food is the best thing after a long night of partying with friends.  While Taco Bell is usually a popular late night spot after the bars have closed and feel like a forth meal, but also is great the next day while recovering.  My personal favorite, burgers and fries, are a great way to soak up the existing alcohol and satisfy your craving for eating anything that you try and stay away from during the week.  There is nothing wrong with eating band and drinking in excess on the weekend right?  As all of you know, there will be a headache, and probably a pretty massive one.  I am always really bad at preparing, so when I wake up with my head pounding is when I finally take something, but as a learned from a friend that is a lot smarter than I, putting a bottle of water and pills next to your bed before you go out, will remind yourself when you get home to take it before you go to bed to get a head start, provided you can see it of course.  For the professionals out there, having a morning drink can get you feeling right again.  A good Bloody Mary is my personal favorite, as well as the popular Mimosa, are two great drinks that have just need enough liquor and other mixers in that does not make you sick thinking of the many Jack and Cokes you had the night before.

I have said “I’m never drinking again” more than a few times in my life, and have heard it when those around me have had a rough night, but let’s face it, when we say it we mean it at the time, but the next weekend comes and we are back at it again.

Justin Weinger:
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