Categories: Finances

Four Ways to Make Quick Cash

There are many reasons why anyone may need some extra cash, whether it is to pay for school, holiday, or something as crucial as your medical insurance. Thankfully, quick cash is not too hard to come by if you look in right places and that is why we’ve listed these 5 tips below on how to grow your wallet in unconventional ways.

Selling bottled water

You might be surprised to learn about how easy it is to legally sell bottled water on an especially sunny and hot day. Special permits are usually not too hard to acquire and even without one the easy transportation of this vending item can make it difficult to be noticed anyways. Find a well-placed location far from other water sources. What is key to making a profit with water bottles is to buy them at a reduced price and then sell them at higher price. You’re providing the locals with convenient hydration, and so there is no need to feel guilty about buying a 24 pack for 7$ and then selling each for 1$.

Garage Sale

In this time of online shopping, it is easy to forget the classic money maker that is a garage sale.  Not only is it a great way to earn some cash on the side, but you can also clear up some space in your home during the process. Some key items that can likely be sold are old books, tools, sporting goods, clothing items and home appliances. However, a garage sale can also be a relatively time consuming process, so preparing signs, dates and layout in advance is smart.

Participate in a flea market

A flea market is a type of public market where spaces may be rented out to local merchants or anyone who has the desire to sell goods. Even used goods can have a strong demand at these markets where locations are usually purposefully chosen to be in busy areas of the local community. Do some research on options near where you live and see how much it will cost you to rent a booth, thus allowing you to get an idea of how profitable a weekend of selling your goods will be. Some good things to also consider during the planning process are whether you might need tables to set up with, sun tarps, signs and even employees to help you out.

Rent out your stuff

Renting out your items can be an easier way of making money than other methods, especially because you don’t need to say good bye to that car, boat, extra room or house forever. Even less costly household items such as gardening tools and vacuums can interest a potential customer. Take advantage of the internet when advertising your items using new age websites such as Airbnb, Craigslist, Rentalic and Paypal. These websites can serve as a listing and payment middle man that makes the process more safe and convenient for both people involved in the transaction.

Justin Weinger:

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  • Another great way to make easy cash is to pet sit. I unfortunately can't do this as I have 5 animals of my own, but if you have room and time, you can make up to $100 a night.

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