6 Tips that will make you a Healthier Man

Looking for tips on how to stay healthy, stay slim and make sure that, as you age, your health stays in pretty good shape? Then today’s blog is going to help you a lot because we have 6 excellent tips that will help make you a healthier man. Enjoy!

Tip #1: Stop working so much overtime. Yes, we know that you’re expected to “bring home the bacon”, and sometimes that means working late so that you can get the job done. The problem is that many men make overtime a habit, and working too many long hours has been associated with a number of negative health effects, including depression and increased anxiety.

Tip #2: Friends and family are extremely important. It’s been found that men who have close relationships with their family members and a larger group of friends have a lower risk of heart disease and live longer. So, even if your mother-in-law drives you nuts, having her around is good for your health.

Tip #3: Eat more fish and less beef. Yes, there is an increase in the amount and types of fish that you should stay away from because of increased levels of mercury and contamination. Still, the heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids that you get from fish, as well as the lowered amount of cholesterol and fat, make it much better than beef.

Tip #4: Stop watching so much TV. Are you a couch potato that, whenever you’re home, can be found sitting in front of the boob tube? That’s not a good idea, especially in your 20s and 30s. It’s been found that younger people who “veg-out” in front of the TV have an increased risk for heart disease and other problems when they get older. We know you enjoy some of your favorite TV shows but are they worth getting heart disease for?

Tip #5: Limit yourself to 2 drinks a day, or less. Everyone likes a glass of wine or a beer once in a while, but more than 2 drinks a day is definitely bad for your health.

Tip #6: Get a PSA test at least once a year. PSA, or prostate specific antigen, rises if you have prostate cancer and, if it’s detected, can help you to catch it early. Now, keep in mind that prostate cancer is only one of the reasons that PSA can increase. Also, it’s well known that some prostate tumors grow extremely slowly and, depending on the person and the tumor, may never be life threatening. That being said, getting the test once a year is a great idea.

Justin Weinger:
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