Categories: Man Quotes

Wise Quotes for Fearless Men | Volume XV

Every week we compile wise quotes for men who want to grow.  This week I feel like we struck gold in finding some profound ones to challenge you and push you further. Take a look and give them some thought.

You can do anything, but not everything.
-David Allen
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
—Ambrose Redmoon

Do you have any wise quotes to add?

Justin Weinger:

View Comments (12)

  • Love the Redmoon quote! There is going to be fear many times, but often times there are much more important things to be concerned with than time.

  • One of my favorite quotes is,

    Never criticize, condemn, or complain until you've walked a mile in that persons shoes, this way you'll at least be a mile away and have his shoes.

    I have no idea who came up with this quote but it's always stuck with me.

  • I love the first one... I wish I had more free time, as that's usually the determinant for "everything."

  • That Redmoon quote is a different take on the usual quote about courage and fear. But it's pretty similar with the internal dialogue I have whenever I need make a phone call.

  • wow, very nice quotes. But I dont know about the first quote. I mean if you have loads of money you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Money cannot buy happiness but it can give you comfort.

    • True, the possibilities would be limitless of what you COULD do if you were rich. You could do anything. But you still wouldn't be able to do it all. Just what is truly most important to you.

  • Oh baby! Love the quotes. Even the David Allen one, which I have not seen before, strangely enough!