Categories: Fashion

Tricks that Can Make You More “Naturally Beautiful”

Don’t we all envy those celebrities and models that seem to look flawless, even in the paparazzi shots? We can all admit to at least a little curiosity as to how they do it. They don’t constantly have a crew around them giving them a red carpet airbrushed look, so how do they have such a “natural” beauty? An example is Alicia Keys. Just because she doesn’t wear makeup, doesn’t mean that she looks unkempt or dull. We all agree that she looks glamorous!

The summer is a season when we are especially curious as to these “secrets”. This is when we spend more time outside and at the beach, on vacation when we have minimal time to invest into “beautification,” and we would love to embrace a more streamlined and simplified makeup routine.

These celebrities and personalities in the public’s eye have certain tricks they embrace to emphasize their natural assets, camouflaging others, while giving off a glowing, healthy look.

  1. Professionally Dyed Hair

As much as hair colour commercials want you to think otherwise, a professional dye job cannot be done at home alone. With just the right kind of undertones and highlights, even a quick ponytail can be shiny and full of dimension. If you want to go subtler with the makeup this spring and summer, invest instead into a colour expert who will work with you to get the perfect shade and make you look like a million bucks.

  1. Whitened Teeth

White teeth don’t just make you look “glamorous”. They also give the impression of a healthy lifestyle, more tanned skin, and a prettier smile. Call a professional of teeth whitening in Montreal to find out what it would take to restore the color of your teeth to one that will dazzle everyone you meet.

  1. Shape Your Brows

You can give your mascara a break, but don’t put away your eyebrow kit. For a natural, yet groomed, look, tweeze, trim, and tease your eyebrows to create a shape that frames your face without looking too caveman-like. Microblading has become a popular cosmetic treatment in the last few years, giving your eyebrows a more intentional look by getting a semi-permanent tattoo that looks like your natural hair.

  1. Sun Yourself

Instead of layering on the foundation, concealers, and bronzers, focus on getting a “sun-kissed” look that doesn’t require makeup. This could be in the form of a tinted moisturizer, a weekly spray tan, or simply a daily afternoon walk. Just remember to keep the health of your skin at the forefront! Be responsible!

  1. Get to the Source of the Problem

Celebrities don’t just hide their problem areas- they treat them. While you might not have the time or budget to indulge in regular salon or spa treatments that will clear, rejuvenate, or hydrate your skin, you likely can spend a little more attention to solving the issues your skin faces. Ask a professional to help put together an at-home skin routine that will keep your skin clear, hydrated, and glowing.

  1. Hit the Gym

There are many benefits that come with regular workouts. From better health, clearer skin, more energy, we also get a boost of confidence, which looks good on everyone. This attitude and appreciation for the body that we are lucky to have shines through any outfit or makeup look we are modelling, even if that is simply and low-key.

While it does take extra effort, you can unveil a more “naturally” beautiful you who doesn’t have to hide behind layers of makeup or a complicated hair routine. Feel more confident at the beach or simply in the “rolled out of bed” version of yourself by investing in solutions that give you that “off-duty model” vibe, like whitening your teeth or hitting the gym more regularly. Just remember, the most attractive thing about most people is their confidence, and that can’t be sprayed on or tweezed out. That’s something you have to build yourself.

Justin Weinger:
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