Start Living, Not Complaining

Have you ever heard the saying “glass half full or glass half empty?” This is a phrase used to describe people who pay more attention to the positive (solutions) or negative side of situations (complaining).

Studies show that complaining evokes brain stress, which can manifest itself in physical lassitude. The sad part is complaining becomes habitual, and people become complacent with their responses and don’t realize this mindset has become routine. The end result is a life of dissatisfaction.

Look at the following questions. Answer them honestly and see if you’re a complainer, but don’t know it.

Do You Focus on a Problems Cause Rather Than the Solution?

Do you always always look to pass blame and point the finger at others?

If so, you’re not alone. Look around, there’s all types of media outlets and they generate negativity and anger among callers, but no solutions.

Does Everything Irritate You?

Do you wake up mad and go to bed mad? This is a sign that you are on extreme negative tilt.

This attitude can become normal to you, but it doesn’t make for a happy life.

Do You Find Fault With Others and still Verbalize it – in a Nice Way?

Complainers like to put people down, but with a smile. This is a complex common among people who complain a lot. And it’s not necessarily comments like “you stink,” but it’s more in line with comments like “Oh, you’re still working on that.”

Some think that being tactful is an excuse for being rude. It’s not. Some things shouldn’t be said at all. Tactful or not.

In Conversations, Do You Always Revert Back to Complaining About Something?

This is a habit among complainers. Complainers always find a way to redirect positive conversations back to a place they feel most comfortable. The key word here is “comfortable.”

When you find comfort in complaining, it becomes very hard to enjoy life.

Take Little Steps to Happiness – Start Living Again

If you have gained an awareness that complaining has taken your life in a direction you don’t like, there’s hope.

Getting entangled in this web of negativity is not an easy task to escape from. Habits, good and bad, are hard to break. Admitting to yourself that you have a problem is truly a big first step.

The next step will be transitioning from your current comfort zone (complaining) to a more productive state of enjoying life.

Prayer – If you’re a Christian you have the strongest power in the universe behind you. You just have to ask and then obey. The bible is full of instructions and wisdom on how and why you should be positive.

Meditation is a technique used to rewire your brain. Learning this technique will help you transform your thoughts from where you are now, to the place you want to be.

Affirmations is another technique used to retrain your brain. The simplest way to do this is with a piece of paper. Write down a positive thought like “I am happy.” Look at the paper when you wake up and when you go to bed. Repeat the phrase several times and then let that fantastic computer called your brain do it’s magic.

The ball is in your court. If you want to start living a happy and healthier life, you can do it. It all starts with the desire to change, then the actions needed to make changes, and the end result is…a better life.

It’s time to start living again.

Featured image by http://dribbble.com/jodybastet

Second image by http://dribbble.com/jomani

Justin Weinger:

View Comments (3)

  • I use to have this problem years ago. Life is so much better when you don't have a negative outlook on everything. Of course there will always be set backs but handling them with optimism is much better than the ladder.

    • Agreed. In my younger years I called myself a realist. Once I realized that I was actually putting a negative spin on everything I made big efforts to change.

  • It infuriates me when people put down other with a smile. The affirmation "I am happy" has been sooo helpful for me. Great article.

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