Categories: Man Skills

Putting the MAN in MANagement: Top Promotion Tips

We’ve all dreamt of moving from floppy haired, unemployable peons to managerial man-gods.

We want to be the type of person that women love and men want to be. Chiselled jawlines, a five o’ clock shadow that doesn’t make us look like a tramp, and the kind of threads that would make Don Draper green with envy – they’re all part of the VIP man package.

Yet moving your way from the mail desk to the boardroom isn’t easy. It takes resourcefulness, cunning and networking skills that will make you look like a don.

To help you along we’ve come up with a few ways to put you on an express lane away from the rat race. Take a look, don your finest suit and get ready for life at the top.

Success by degrees

You might think you’re too old for the university life, and perhaps you’re right – but that shouldn’t stop you gaining a degree.

In distance learning, a ba business management can give you an edge over the competition, whether you’re a junior staffer or an aspiring Alan Sugar.

And the best thing about an online degree is you can study for it anywhere, and at any point in time. So if you want to cram for a few hours on a rainy Saturday morning, just grab your laptop and get studying.

Just imagine your boss’s eyes light up as you show them your latest qualification – it certainly beats putting an apple on their desk.

Make the right friends

Networking has always been the mainstay of the business world. Shaking a few hands and getting to know the right people could be the only way you’ll make it to the top.

To help you on your way, log onto LinkedIn (the world’s largest professional social network) and make your profile as swish as an Armani jacket. Connect with the right people, message them about potential job openings and you might just hit the jackpot.

But if you’re more into face-to-face meetings, Google networking events in your local area, shove on your finest threads and schmooze until you’ve made some headway in the business world. Who knows where it will lead…

Make a hobby

The hobby makes the man. Even though you might like nothing more than eating cheesy Wotsits and watching Game of Thrones, you need a few hobbies that’ll make you look like the go-getter you aim to be.

White water rafting, jogging, writing – they all imply a broad-minded, active thinker. And if you want to wow employers, they could prove vital.

Justin Weinger:
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