Categories: Backflip

Do Energy Drinks Really Work?

With the number of energy drinks available, you would think there’s no doubt that they actually work. Before you consume another energy drink, be sure you have all of the facts about what you’re drinking and that you read every ingredient contained in the beverage so that you know for a fact what you’re putting in your body. I spent some time in Tokyo in the 90’s and one of the first energy drinks there had cocaine in it. Construction workers actually died from drinking to many so the government started regulating.

The Caffeine Craze

A majority of energy drinks are packed with caffeine, which is great for a short burst of energy. You might find yourself chugging several energy drinks a day if you’re in need of a way to fuel your workday or a late night study session. There are also several unwanted side effects of consuming too much caffeine, including:

  • Heightened blood pressure
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heartbeat

Besides plenty of caffeine, you’ll also find that many energy drinks are also packed with sugar, which can lead to a sugar crash in addition to extra unwanted weight.

A Volatile Combination

If you’re thinking that mixing your alcohol with an energy drink is a good way to enjoy a night out on the town without worrying about the sluggish effects of alcohol, think again. Mixing alcohol with an energy drink usually results in the individual drinking more than he needs to because the effects of the alcohol are diluted by the caffeine. Not only does the individual drink more, the mixture can also result in more alcohol-related incidents.

Have an Occasional Drink

For all of the caffeine and sugar in energy drinks, it’s perfectly fine for most people to have one every now and then. Be sure you consume no more than about 16 ounces of an energy drink a day. Make sure you hydrate on water. If energy drinks have become a crutch you use because you’re overly fatigued or have trouble concentrating, you may want to make changes in other areas in your life. Try natural sleep and relaxation aids in combination with an occasional energy drink to see if that helps. Changing your diet and getting more exercise can also help you feel more rested and refreshed throughout the day.

Besides making changes to your lifestyle, it’s also a good idea for you to talk with your doctor about your fatigue since it may be an indication of a deeper medical condition. If you have heart disease or high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend that you no longer consume energy drinks.

Energy drinks may seem rather harmless, but they can hurt you more than they help if you aren’t careful about how many of them you drink or the kind you consume. Do a little research to see which drinks are the best and which are the most detrimental to your overall health.

Featured image by https://dribbble.com/Mr_Mad

Justin Weinger:
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