Categories: Man Quotes

Best Fearless Men Quotes | Volume XVI

Every week we compile wise quotes for men who want to grow.  This week I feel like we struck gold in finding some profound ones to challenge you and push you further. Check out the best fearless men quotes and give them some thought.


If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.
-Albert Einstein
Remember: You can outwork those who are lazy and outlast those who are lucky.
-Jeff Goins


Men may not take their god too seriously; but how they do bow to earth before their shrine of three meals a day, their adulterated white flour, their vast groaning tables of unnecessary food!
Eugen Sandow, Late 1800’s Bodybuilder

I found it shocking that Mr. Sandow died in 1925 and made this statement a century ago!

It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.
-James Gordon
Consume what you don’t need
Stars you idolize
Pursue what you admit is a dream
Then it’s American die
-Israel Keyes, Murderer
Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.


The people who get heard the loudest are the people speaking the softest. It’s the whisper that awakens the deaf ear while the shouting only startles it.

The final two quotes above were suggested by reader B. Rigley. If you have any fearless men quotes to suggest, please do in the comments below!

Justin Weinger:

View Comments (8)

  • These are all good quotes, but that last one is awesome...and so contradictory to what is taught in our society today.

    • It's an interesting quote to consider. I don't think it's necessarily true the majority of the time. But the person who is wise, calm, and level headed, they can get their arguments considered by others. When you think of leaders like Gandhi, Jesus, MLK, they had a draw to them beyond just shouting louder than others.

  • VERY powerful words and knowledge in these quotes. Thank you for sharing, my favorite is "Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength."

  • That Einstein quote probably summed up his worldview better than anything else ever could. It's one of the reasons he was such an opponent of quantum dynamics. The ultimate dream of physicists is that the laws of nature are fundamentally simple and elegant, but as scientists dig deeper and deeper into the mysteries of creation, the less and less it seems the case. The more you understand physics, the more complex it becomes!

    • Wow, I was only thinking of his quote as a speaker. If a speaker can't state what he wants to say in 5 minutes, he shouldn't be given an hour. But your response to his quote is so much more elaborate!