Categories: Man Quotes

Best Fearless Men Quotes | Volume XIII

If you’ve made a decision to make progress in any focal area this year–fitness, eating, goal-setting, relationships or work–I’ve gathered some thoughts to spur you on to greater progress. Here’s more of our favorite Fearless Men Quotes to challenge your thinking and push you further. If you have any to add, please do so in the comments! [divider]

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

-Mahatma Gandhi


I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy than a success at something I hate.

-George Burns


The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline.

-Steve Smith


Strive for progress, not perfection.


Justin Weinger:

View Comments (4)

  • Love the George Burns quote! I could not agree more. It's part of the reason why we started our own business last year.

    • I agree man. I'm good with friends with someone who has a $40m + company he started. He's changed my perspective on money. To him that's all it is--money. Just passing through his hands. It's neither evil nor good. Just paper. Happiness may or not follow with that paper. It's your choices and relationships that determine your health, life, and enjoyment.

      One other thing that's cool--you wouldn't know he owns a company of that revenue stream very easily even if you went to his house.

  • George Burns is a better man than me. I've been a failure at plenty of things I would love to succeed at, and a success at a number of things that I dislike. One of them pays the bills and the other doesn't. Have to shore up the bottom of Maslow's pyramid before you can work on the top.

    • Phew, yeah I agree. There were years where I worked to pay bills, then years where I loved doing what I did. Then some time where I was still doing the thing I loved, but mitigating circumstances made it no longer enjoyable.

      Bro, sounds like you should write out some thoughts on Maslow's hierarchy. Something inspirational, like how to emerge from the rut.