Common Money Mistakes to Work on Fixing

While not every money situation is the same when it comes to income or expenses, but there are a few traits that can be followed to ensure you are set up for success now and going forward.  You may always hear “it’s never too late” to get started, but the truth is, the more and […]

Crossing the Line: When Does Flirting Become Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace has long been an issue. Until a few decades ago, this widespread problem wasn’t widely reported or even recognized, but Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 began turning the tide in favour of victims. In spite of those changing laws and regulations, the first sexual harassment cases […]

An App That Reminds You To Keep Up With Your Friends

Social interactions are a mystery for most of us. No wonder – there’s nothing more complicated we come across every day than our fellow humans. Except maybe for the weather… but that’s a story for another time. The family members, friends, co-workers, and significant others – we are expected to keep in touch with them […]

These Ways to Save Money Are Not Worth It

While sure, the bottom line is important when the month comes to and end, seeing how much you have left in your account after all the bills are paid, which hopefully there is more coming in than going out, but you could be jeopardizing yourself by skimping in some areas but still continuing with unnecessary […]

4 Tips for First-Time Investors

If you have been doing well with saving, you may be ready to take the next step and invest. Many people would like to begin investing but are unsure how to get started. Here are a few things to consider as you get the ball rolling and invest your first bit of money. Choose How […]

Ways to Stop with Impulse Purchases

Now that we’re into the new year and have probably already given up on any aggressive fitness goal for yourself, let’s focus on something you can control that will help your overall finances in the long run, which is curbing impulse spending.  While there are certainly purchases that are necessary to make in any given […]

Millennial Man’s Guide to Buying a Suit for a Professional Job

Millennial adults don’t have the best reputation in the workplace. People often argue that they are entitled and refuse to admit that they don’t have all the answers. Some of these stereotypes are true, while others are unfair assumptions that need to be challenged. Like it or not, this means that you need to work […]

Money Wastes That Can Be Easy to Avoid

As we start a new year, usually the focus now is on losing weight, as you may not be where you thought you’d be at this point.  While resolutions come and go pretty quickly, especially when the gym visits become less frequent and you’re paying for a membership that you don’t use, your finances should […]

6 Essential Items for Building the Perfect Man Cave

Whether you are a bachelor or a married man, every guy needs a man cave of his own where he can be himself and bring the guys in every now and then to watch a game together or shoot some pool. However, designing one can be quite confusing if you don’t have a plan. To […]

5 Tips to Save Money on Dog Food

While you’d want to feed your dog on the best meals in the market, there is a risk that you’ll be overwhelmed by the high-cost implication. On average, maintaining a dog requires you to spend approximately $446 annually! However, the cost will vary depending on several factors including the average cost of living in your […]