When is the Right Time to Take a Loan?

Even when you know plenty of details about loans, you may not have a strong hold on when a good time to take one out is. Fortunately, taking a good look at your situation and evaluating some specific factors can help you to decide if now is a good time to apply.  Emergency Repairs and […]

Ways to Make Your Money Grow

As a man, you’re expected to be independent and self-sufficient. This is especially true if you’d like to get married and start a family. Plus, there’s nothing like having the ability to rely on yourself financially. Unfortunately, there are many men who don’t receive the financial tools to manage money or make it grow. It’s […]

A Three-Step Guide to Meeting Women

You have read a lot of blogs on this topic, did the research, and tried some of the techniques and more often than not crashed and burned. This is because there has been a whole industry formed around teaching men how to attract women and vice versa. There are a lot of local single women […]

6 Tips for Management in the 21st Century

Improvise, adapt, overcome. This Marine motto has been applied to countless facets of daily life. The idea behind the quote is that the Marines should be able to handle any challenge that comes their way, no matter how dangerous the foe. You’ve no doubt heard the phrase either in your sports career or maybe in […]

Ways to Save on Monthly Expenses

It’s no wonder most live paycheck to paycheck by the time you factor in monthly bills, food, gas, a little spending money, not to mention, hopefully saving for retirement. Sure, the amount you spend each month will quickly outweigh the money that’s coming in if you’re not careful, but there are ways you can reduce […]

6 Ways to Finance Your Entrepreneurial Endeavor

If you’ve been considering starting a small business that you believe in you may find yourself running into one major snag which many new entrepreneurs encounter — how to find the funding you need to get off the ground. Starting a new business can be a costly endeavor, with even the most well-planned businesses still […]

Should I Use an FHA Loan?

Conventional mortgage and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans are the most common financing option for today’s home buyer. They are convenient for first time buyers trying to purchase their first home in rising cities like Charlotte and Nashville. Deciding which loan option to use depends on multiple factors such as credit scores, your debt-to income […]

Men’s Fashion Alert: Tips to Select a Dinner Dress to Slay the Night

Who doesn’t like to be the eye-catcher of the party who steals the show with its appearance? Everyone wants to be that person in the party who becomes the center of the topic for its fashion sense and ‘it’ attire for many days to come. But despite having the desire, very few people know what […]

How to Entertain Guests on a Budget

Whether you are hosting a big celebration coming up or you simply love entertaining, you want to be able to make the most of the moment without breaking your budget. This can be easier said than done when you add the food, drinks, and other expenses into the mix. But if you plan it the […]

How to Ensure Your Budget is a Success

While creating a budget is the easy part, the reason that most budgets fail is during the execution phase. Either controlling spending went completely out the window or month over month the needed adjustments weren’t made to keep a realistic hold on the finances. Not only spending, but leaving for savings & retirement is just […]